Námskeiðslýsing á ensku:
In the aquaculture course we discuss the background, importance, and consequences of this industry. The main focus is on marine aquaculture, but to some extent we will also discuss inland aquaculture. We will discuss the various problems (eutrophication, organic loading of the sea floor, oxygen depletion, pathogens, medication, social and animal welfare etc.), as well as potential (partial) solutions, such as extractive and IMTA approaches, recirculation etc. For an understanding of the processes we need to delve into biology, and also to some extent into chemistry.
Frekari upplýsingar um námskeiðið má finna hér: https://www.uw.is/is/meistaranam/resources/namskeidislysingar/namskeidslysing/sustainable-aquaculture
Öll meistaranámskeið sem kennd eru við Háskólasetur eru opin gestanemum, skiptinemum og fólki úr atvinnulífinu og eru hluti af tveimur alþjóðlegum þverfaglegum meistaranámsleiðum, haf- og strandsvæðastjórnun, og sjávarbyggðarfræði.