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UW Receives NordForsk Grant for "LostToClimate" Arctic Project

The University Centre of the Westfjords (UW) has been awarded a highly competitive NordForsk grant for the "LostToClimate" project, which will explore the unavoidable non-economic losses experienced by Arctic communities due to climate change. This collaborative effort brings together scientists and community members from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Greenland, Canada, and the United States, including several Indigenous communities, to co-produce knowledge that can inform future adaptation strategies.

Peter Weiss Passes the Baton as Director in 2025

At the annual general meeting of the University Centre of the Westfjords last Friday, March 14, 2025, where all the founding members are gathered, UW director announced under other matters his intention to pass the baton during 2025.

Crowd Gathers to Celebrate 20 Years of UW

Last Friday, UW marked its 20th anniversary with an open house at Vestrahús. Several other institutions in the building also participated in the celebration, which featured a diverse program and exceeded expectations for attendance. The day began with the annual meeting, which is typically held in May, but this time was scheduled closer to UW’s founding date to coincide with the anniversary and integrated with the open house.

UW's Annual meeting and open house

The annual meeting of the board and founding members of UW, will be held on Friday March 14th at 13:00. UW is a nonprofit educational institute and the annual meeting is open to guests. Previous years the annual meeting has taken place in May, but on the occasion of UW's 20th anniversary, the board decided to honour the founders with an annual meeting closer to the day UW was founded, March 12th. Founding UW, an higher educational institute was a bold step at that time, given the fact that the number of inhabitants in the Westfjords is only around 7500 people. Since then, UW  has become an active link in Iceland's higher education landscape and a beacon for learning outside the capital area.

Brianna Cunliffe Awarded Research Grant for Energy Resilience Project in the Westfjords

The University Centre of the Westfjords (UW) is thrilled to announce that Brianna Marie Cunliffe, a first-year master’s student in the Coastal Communities and Regional Development program, has received a 350,000 ISK research grant from the Icelandic Regional Development Institute. The funding will support her thesis project, titled “Participatory Energy Planning for Resilient Coastal Westfjords Futures.”

UW Student Christoph Pfülb Awarded Research Grant for Volunteerism and Emergency Management Study

We are proud to announce that Christoph Pfülb, a second-year master’s student in the Coastal Communities and Regional Development program at the University Centre of the Westfjords (UW), has received a prestigious research grant from the Icelandic Regional Development Institute. His thesis project, titled "Volunteerism and Emergency Management in Iceland: Examining the Role of Place Attachment and Local Engagement in Search and Rescue and Disaster Relief Organizations", addresses critical aspects of local community resilience in the face of natural hazards and climate change.

UW Celebrates 20 Years

The University Centre of the Westfjords (UW) turns 20 years old this year. Twenty years ago, the people in the Westfjords were fighting for many things: paved roads, tunnels, mobile phone service, coastal fishing and shipping, safety, electricity at Christmas, and, yes, a university. No more, no less.

UW Student Secures Grant to Develop Climbing Guide for the Westfjords

The University Centre of the Westfjords (UW) is delighted to share the news that yet another master’s student has received funding from the Westfjords Development Fund. The fund aims to support cultural projects, business development, and innovation in the Westfjords, and to provide support for start-ups and operating costs to cultural institutions in the Westfjords. Brendan Kirby, a master’s student at UW in the Coastal Communities and Regional Development program, received a 400,000 ISK grant to develop a climbing guide for the Westfjords.

New Agreement on internet services made under the christmas tree

At the turn of the year there will be a new service provider of internet services towards UW. The FS-net, once made for distance learning service centres in the countryside, will cease operations. Instead, the University Centre of the Westfjords now has made an agreement with local Snerpa internet provider.

UW Alumni Publishes Study on Pink Salmon in Iceland

A new research article, "Invasive species management: The case of pink salmon in Iceland" has been published in the journal Marine Policy. This collaborative study, authored by Hjörleifur Finnsson, Catherine Chambers, and Guðni Guðbergsson (Marine and Freshwater Research Institute), investigates strategies for managing the presence and impact of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in Icelandic waters.

Applications open for UW’s master’s programs

The University Centre of the Westfjords (UW) is thrilled to announce that applications for its two unique master’s programs are now open for the upcoming academic year! Whether you’re passionate about community development or the sustainable management of marine resources, these programs offer the opportunity to study the pressing issues facing coastal and marine environments in a dynamic, interdisciplinary setting.

From Newfoundland to the Westfjords: Knowledge Exchange in Sustainable Fisheries

Recently, we at UW were honored to host a visiting group, funded through the Uarctic, Memorial University’s Harris Centre, Global Arctic Leadership Project, Indigenous and Northern Relationships Development Fund, and the Marine Biomass Innovation Project, which is funded by the New Frontiers in Research Fund - Transformation Stream.

New addition to our team at UW

The University Centre of the Westfjords (UW) has a new addition to its team. Hjördís Þráinsdóttir started her role as a project manager in a 50% position on November 1st. Originally from Súðavík, Hjördís has lived in Ísafjörður for 25 years. She is married with three sons and has primarily worked as a records manager for the municipality of Ísafjörður since 2008. Hjördís holds a BA in Psychology from the University of Akureyri and is currently pursuing an M.Ed. in Educational Sciences along with a diploma in Special Education from the same university.

Researching Cultural Ties: Iceland and the Basque Country

Dr. Catherine Chambers, UW’s research manager and project leader for the Jules Verne project, along with project coordinator and UW alumna Alex Tyas, have just returned from a trip to Bayonne, France in association with a Jules Verne grant which supports research collaboration between Icelandic and French partners. Catherine and Alex also gave presentations during the Haizebegi festival that celebrates Basque culture.

UW at the Arctic Circle Assembly

Every year, the University Centre of the Westfjords (UW) provides a unique opportunity for students to attend the Arctic Circle Assembly as part of two of its key courses: Arctic Ocean Governance and Just Transitions. The assembly, held annually in Reykjavík, brings together a wide range of global experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to discuss pressing Arctic issues. For UW students, it offers much more than just attending sessions; it’s an experience that adds to their academic journey and broadens their professional horizons. This year, the group attending the assembly consisted of staff from UW, instructors, and numerous master's students.

Ethics and Hydropower Plants

In light of the Global Ethics Day on October 16th, we are reflecting on the importance of ethical decision-making in environmental management. Students in the course “Ethics of conservation and resource use” went on a field trip this week where they visited the hydropower plants at Engidalur, to learn more about hydropower development throughout the Westfjords, and the existing conflicting interests around it. The course introduces the students to a diverse set of theories and principles for ethical environmental management.

Digital Walking Tours to Assess Place Attachment

From 2021 to 2024, the University Centre of the Westfjords (UW) was part of the international research project called CliCNord (Climate Change Resilience in Small Communities in the Nordic Countries). Our Academic Director, Matthias Kokorsch, was the project leader for the Icelandic CliCNord team. With the funding that the project received, Matthias was able to hire three students in the Coastal Communities and Regional Development master’s program at UW as research assistants. All three master’s students conducted their master’s thesis research within their projects with CliCNord.

Master's Students Explore Coastal Development and Climate Challenges in the Westfjords

Master's students from the Coastal Communities and Regional Development program recently participated in a series of field trips as part of the "People and the Sea: Geographical Perspectives" course. Over three weeks, the students explored Ísafjörður and nearby communities, learning about the historical development of the region, the socio-economic and environmental challenges faced by its inhabitants, and the ongoing efforts to adapt to climate change. The field trips provided insights into how the Westfjords are balancing new economic opportunities like tourism and aquaculture with the need for sustainable infrastructure and environmental protection.

Conference: Islands as Diverse Spaces

On Thursday and Friday, October 3rd and 4th, the conference “Islands as Diverse Spaces” was held at the University Centre of the Westfjords. The aim of the conference was to highlight the importance of islands and remote communities, which are constantly evolving and crucial to study. One of the key characteristics of islands and remote communities is resilience, biological diversity, and cultural richness. Islands and remote communities also play an important role in terms of international ecological and cultural heritage. With this role in mind, the conference aimed to explore island communities through three broad themes: culture, language, and education.

UW is part of the "Green Meets Blue Project"

The University Centre of the Westfjords (UW) will be a part of the “Green Meets Blue Project” financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers for Fisheries, Aquaculture, Agriculture, Food and Forestry (NCM FJLS). The project is led by Nordregio, with UW, and the University of Highlands and Islands (Scotland) as collaborators. Matthias Kokorsch, academic director at UW, is the project leader for the Icelandic case study. He is supported by Research Assistants Rebecca and Tabea, both current UW master’s students, as well as UW alumn and instructor Maria Wilke, who wrote her PhD on public participation in marine spatial planning.

Conference at UW: The Social & Solidarity Economy

On Friday, September 13th, a conference on the social and solidarity economy took place at the University Centre of the Westfjords (UW). Over 50 people attended the conference, and the lectures were as interesting as they were diverse. The conference began with light refreshments provided by UW, and Peter Weiss, the director, welcomed the attendees and gave an opening address. He also announced the absence of the President of Iceland, Halla Tómasdóttir, who was unable to attend due to a funeral.

Orientation trip to Vigur Island for the new master's students

Last Saturday, the new UW master’s students went on a trip to Vigur Island, an Arctic island located in the northwest of Iceland, renowned for its importance as a habitat for birdlife and its eiderdown collection. The group consisted of UW master’s students from the Coastal Marine Management program and the Coastal Communities and Regional Development program. Also with them were master’s students from the Climate Change and Global Sustainability (CCGS) program at the School of International Training in Vermont. The CCGS students are spending a semester with us here at UW.

UW at GLISFO 2024 in Faroe Islands

Our academic director, Matthias, and two of our master students recently went on a trip to the Faroe Islands. They joined the GLISFO workshop: Greenland-Iceland-Faroe Islands Cooperation Workshop. This three-day workshop brought together researchers operating within Greenland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands, to delve into areas of scientific significance and shared interest between the West Nordic countries. Organized by the Research Council of the Faroe Islands, the Greenland Research Council, Rannís – The Icelandic Centre for Research, and the Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network, this workshop was intended to be a platform for meaningful exchange of ideas, insights and experiences and the kick-off for future scientific cooperation within the West Nordic community. The workshop covered all areas that are of relevance for the University Centre of the Westfjords and its research activities as well as course contents. Seminars and panels addressed green energy; social sciences; security/geopolitics; ocean, climate, and the Blue Economy; sustainability and culture; and health/genetics.

New Thesis Defense Season

It's thesis defense season again at the University Centre of the Westfjords. The first defense starts on Tuesday September 3rd. During this defense season 13 students will defend their theses in the coming weeks with many interesting topics. The defenses are open to the public and people are also invited to join through zoom. The links can be found in the table below.
From our community



Takk fyrir árin tuttugu! - Ávarp forstöðumanns á aðalfundi 2025

Fyrsti stjórnarformaður Háskólaseturs Vestfjarða, Halldór Halldórsson, sagði fyrir tuttugu árum við opnunarhátíð Háskólaseturs Vestfjarða "Nú er hátíðarstund – að nokkrum árum liðnum munum við líta til baka og segja; þetta voru gæfuspor."

Researching Justice in Greenland’s Blue Economy: My Journey from Nuuk to Narsaq

I’m Tabea Maria Jacob, a second-year student in the Coastal and Marine Management master’s program at the University Centre of the Westfjords. My academic background is in sociology and psychology, and my research interests bring together both natural and social sciences, particularly in the areas of the Blue Economy, fisheries, social justice, and equity.

Sagan öll: Hnöttur er aldrei á hvolfi

Sagan öll – eða það óumflýjanlega óvísindalega í akademískri starfsemi. Háskólasetur Vestfjarða á stórafmæli í ár. Á þeim tuttugu árum hefur margt gerst sem skrifað hefur verið í ársskýrslur og tíundað á vefsíðu, samfélagsmiðlum og Bæjarins Besta. En sumt hefur aldrei verið sagt. Sögur sem ekki þótti þess virði að skrifa niður. Sögur sem eru einum of mannlegar. Það ólýsanlega fyndna í hinni alvarlegu akademísku starfsemi. Sagan sem er ómögulega alvarlega takandi. Undir yfirskriftinni "Sagan öll" tökum við hér saman nokkrar af þeim og það þarf ekki að taka þær alvarlega, það er bara viðeigandi að rifja upp skemmtilegar sögur á afmælishátíðum.

Kiruna – A Town on the Move

For the past couple of days, our academic director, Matthias Kokorsch, attended the 6th Nordic Ruralities conference in Kiruna. The title of the conference was New paths to sustainable transitions? Apart from the conference theme, the city itself– yet not being coastal– is highly relevant for our program on Coastal Communities and Regional Development, and Matthias left with much inspiration for coming courses. Kiruna is on the Move - The mining town is relocating its entire center to make way for continued mining operations— an ambitious plan stretching to 2100. The move began in 2014 and includes shifting historic buildings, designing a denser, greener, and more sustainable city. Yet, the development is not uncontested. As we learned during the conference, the relocation of Kiruna has faced criticism for prioritizing mining profits over the rights and livelihoods of local Sámi communities, whose reindeer herding lands are heavily impacted. This has sparked debates about green colonialism, as the project highlights the tension between sustainability goals and the exploitation of Indigenous territories for resource extraction.

Student story: GLISFO

To start off this term, Tabea and I, together with UW program director Dr. Matthias Kokorsch, attended the GLISFO workshop in Faroe Islands. The workshop is organized by the Research Council of the Faroe Islands, the Icelandic Center for Research, Greenland Research Council, Nordisk Energiforskning & the Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network, and funded by The Nordic Council of Ministers and the Nordic Council.

Catching up with alumni: Ingrid Bobeková

Welcome to our “catching up with alumni” series where we introduce you to previous UW students over the years. Ingrid Bobeková is a 32 year old alum who graduated from the Coastal Marine Management master’s program in 2022. Ingrid's hobbies include knitting, surfing, hiking, photography, and bird watching.

Catching up with alumni: Isabelle Price

Welcome to our “catching up with alumni” series where we introduce you to previous UW students over the years. Isabelle Price is a 25 year old alum who graduated from the Coastal Marine Management master’s program in 2023. Isabelle's hobbies include running, biking, and kayaking.

Catching up with alumni: Tyler Wacker

Welcome to our “catching up with alumni” series where we introduce you to previous UW students over the years. Tyler Wacker is a 33 year old alum who graduated from the Coastal Communities and Regional Development master’s program in 2022. Tyler's hobbies include biking, surfing, and skateboarding.

Reflecting on 2023

A year that had mainly challenging news globally, to say the least – it's even more vital to spotlight the good news and achievements. At the University Centre, there were many moments for us that we will keep in good memories. The biggest milestone for UW was the opening of our new student housing this autumn. Witnessing its transformation from an idea to a tangible reality in just over a year was fantastic. Navigating the complexities of such an ambitious undertaking in a remote setting, with its many unpredictabilities, demanded a lot of collaboration, determination, and patience. This wasn't just a construction project; it was coastal community development in practice.

Adapting to Change

My name is Brittaney Key, and I’m a Fulbright Fellow and master’s student in the Coastal Communities and Regional Development (CRD) program. I chose to come to Iceland for my fellowship specifically because of the CRD program and its unique inclusion of sustainability and development in a rural context.

UW Abroad: Exploring the Baltic with NORDPLUS

This spring, from April 28th to May 14th, a group of 8 UW students had the opportunity to participate in a NORDPLUS trip in the Baltic region, where we joined students from universities in Finland, Lithuania, and Latvia to explore “smart shrinking” strategies for regions experiencing population decline.

The Beauty in Everyday Life - Ísafjörður

Nýlega lauk meistaranámskeiðinu Frá auðlindahagkerfi í aðlöðunarhagkerfi: Sjávarbyggðir á tímum afþreyingar og ferðalaga sem Patrick Maher kennir. Í lok námskeiðsins bjuggu nemendur til myndbönd með þeirra sýn á Ísafjörð og nærumhverfið og útkoman urðu stórskemmtilegar stuttmyndir.

Wake Boarding Westfjords

Nýlega lauk meistaranámskeiðinu Frá auðlindahagkerfi í aðlöðunarhagkerfi: Sjávarbyggðir á tímum afþreyingar og ferðalaga sem Patrick Maher kennir. Í lok námskeiðsins bjuggu nemendur til myndbönd með þeirra sýn á Ísafjörð og nærumhverfið og útkoman urðu stórskemmtilegar stuttmyndir.

A Tale of One Naughty Tourist

Nýlega lauk meistaranámskeiðinu Frá auðlindahagkerfi í aðlöðunarhagkerfi: Sjávarbyggðir á tímum afþreyingar og ferðalaga sem Patrick Maher kennir. Í lok námskeiðsins bjuggu nemendur til myndbönd með þeirra sýn á Ísafjörð og nærumhverfið og útkoman urðu stórskemmtilegar stuttmyndir.

A typical week in the life of two interns in Ísafjörður

Hello we are Hannah and Linda, two students from southern Germany. We are studying Public Administration at the University of Applied Sciences in Kehl. As part of our studies we are doing a three month long internship at the University Centre in Ísafjörður.

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