
Students have access to the University Centre kitchen and can store food in cupboards and the fridge. Remember to label your food and other belongings. The University Centre has a coffee machine and drinks cost ISK 250 each, though a monthly coffee card can be bought at reception for ISK 2,500.


The University Centre of the Westfjords offers students access to wireless internet. It is anticipated that students have laptop computers with wireless internet cards, though it is possible to set up wired internet connections for students in exceptional circumstances. The wireless connection requires a password to access which you receive from the staff. Students are expected to allow the University Centre IT technician to examine their computers’ virus protection software etc., if deemed necessary.

It is always important to keep computers regularly updated with virus protection and operating system security patches. If a student does not update his/her computer it is likely that the computer’s network access will be cut off if it gets infected with a virus. PCs can be updated through the Microsoft website.

PLEASE NOTE: brand new computers do not always have the latest security updates when they are bought.


Students can print, photocopy and scan using the University Centre printer, which is located at reception. Students’ printing is monitored for reasonable use, so be sparing.

Access to building and service desk

The University Centre opens at 08:00 and is locked after 16.00. The service desk is staffed between 08:30-13:30. Students can obtain a key card at the service desk with magnetic strip to access the building outside regular hours. Students need to pay a ISK 3,000 returnable deposit for key cards, which is then refunded when cards are returned at the end of the year.

Please note that the alarm system automatically engages at midnight and goes off again at 07.00 every morning. If students anticipate needing the building at night time, they must let staff know so that the alarm can be unscheduled.


  • Facilities fee ISK 2,000 (including access to wireless internet, printer, 70 pages of printing, access to all reading and work rooms, access to kitchen etc.)*
  • Coffee ISK 300 per cup.
  • Coffee card ISK 3,000 per month.
  • Key card ISK 3,000 (deposit which is refunded when the key is returned)*

*If the facilities fee is not paid it is important to return the key card, the key card deposit is refunded upon return.

  • printing, black and white: ISK 15 per page
  • printing, colour: ISK 25 per page
  • binding combs: ISK 100 each
  • plastic: ISK 100 each
  • binding of 0-100 pages: ISK 1000