Á næstunni fara fram varnir meistaranema við Háskólasetur Vestfjarða. Viðfangsefnin eru fjölbreytt og áhugaverð og eru nemendurnir frá bæði sjávarbyggðafræði og haf-og strandsvæðastjórnun. Varnirnar eru öllum aðgengilegar í gegnum hlekki sem finna má hér fyrir neðan en einnig er öllum velkomið að mæta á varnirnar sem fram fara í Háskólasetri Vestfjarða, Ísafirði.
Föstutudagur 19. apríl kl 09:00
Nemandi: Lína Tryggvadóttir
Titill ritgerðar: Uppbygging sveitarfélaga. Hve mikið er of mikið? Viðhorf hagsmunaaðila á uppbyggingu atvinnulífs í Þorlákshöfn
Námsleið: Sjávarbyggðafræði
Útdráttur: The primary focus of this thesis is the development of the economy and stakeholder analysis in Þorlákshöfn. The study investigates stakeholders' perspectives on new economic developments. A mixed research method was utilized to analyze the attitudes and future visions of participants regarding this development. The case study is based on qualitative interviews and quantitative information about the community. The results reveal the diverse views of stakeholders on the development in Þorlákshöfn. Despite positive attitudes towards the development, there are concerns about environmental impacts, particularly regarding the significant amount of land and water that will be required by the planned aquaculture, as well as worries related to the proposed desalination plant near Þorlákshöfn and associated pollution. Concerns regarding the potential for a monotonous economy also emerged. The results highlight the importance of involving residents and consulting with stakeholders in the decision-making process, ensuring equality in participation. It is essential for the sustainable and economically viable development of Þorlákshöfn's economy to consider the short-term and long- term interests of all stakeholders. The development should align with the municipality's sustainability goals, foster diverse job creation, and ensure the welfare and quality of life for residents.
Zoom linkur: https://eu01web.zoom.us/j/68702826405
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