Námskeið: Mengun á strandsvæðum Norðurheimskautsins

Námskeiðslýsing á ensku:
The course introduces students to contamination in the coastal zone. Chemical interactions in the interface of the sea, land and air will be explained along with the transport of pollutants. The state of the coastal zones in the world are discussed, as well as regional, national and international monitoring practices and programs. An introduction to designing a monitoring program is presented. Further, insight into own lifestyle and effects on the environment will be discussed. A focus is placed on the effects of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals on living organisms. Emphasis is also placed on environmental chemistry, where students gain insights into chemical analyses and ecotoxicology. Marine litter is discussed, and if weather allows, practical exercises will be conducted.

Frekari upplýsingar um námskeiðið má finna hér: https://www.uw.is/is/meistaranam/resources/namskeidislysingar/namskeidislysing-2024-2025/pollution-in-the-coastal-arctic-2

Öll meistaranámskeið sem kennd eru við Háskólasetur eru opin gestanemum, skiptinemum og fólki úr atvinnulífinu og eru hluti af tveimur alþjóðlegum þverfaglegum meistaranámsleiðum, haf- og strandsvæðastjórnun, og sjávarbyggðarfræði.