Hér má nálgast námskeiðslýsingar allra námskeiðanna sem í boði eru. Einnig má sjá skipulag námsins í sameiginlegri kennsluáætlun Sjávarbyggðafræði og Haf- og strandsvæðastjórnunar.

Námskeiðin uppfylla kröfur ýmissa stéttarfélaga um námsstyrki. Vor- og sumarannir eru tilvaldar fyrir háskólanemendur sem vilja stytta námstímann í reglubundnu námi.

Fyrirspurnir sendist á kennslustjóra Háskólaseturs.

Ethics of conservation and resource use

  • Autumn 2025

Um námskeiðið

Working in resource management and development fields often means facing difficult choices as people seek to balance the conservation and utilization of natural resources with the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, protecting Indigenous rights, promoting environmental justice, and securing a healthy economy. Actors involved in decision making and resource use often possess different priorities and ethical values which means controversial decisions with long-term implications. This course provides an overview of diverse fields of environmental ethics that can inform decision-making and management of these important resources.It also introduces students to practical applications and examples of how ethical approaches can and should be used. Particular emphasis will be given to applications and case studies involving coastal and marine resources.