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Talking Science - a practical guide to creative science communication

  • Spring 2025
  • Kennari: Dr. Jennifer Rock

Um námskeiðið

The course introduces students to the main concepts of science communication, its historical role and development, and examines its application in the context of present-day culture, practice, and policy. It draws from the fields of natural science and social science, environmental studies, sociology, psychology, and cultural studies as well as art and design. By diving into the realms of science writing for articles and reports, oral presentations and narrative-based science communication, creative ways of research translation and science exhibiting, students will undertake substantial practice to expand their science communication skills.


Dr. Jennifer Rock:

Jennifer has an interdisciplinary background, with a BA in Human Ecology and a PhD in Zoology, she is currently an academic researcher in the transdisciplinary space between science and the arts & humanities. Currently she holds contracts with several research institutions including The University of Otago (New Zealand); The University Centre of the Westfjords (Iceland); College of the Atlantic (Maine, USA).

Jennifer Rock on ResearchGate


On completion of the course a student:

  • can describe and recognize elements of effective science communication.
  • can demonstrate resources and skills for effective communication of complex material.
  • knows tools to improve science communication endeavors, using visual and oral storytelling to produce compelling presentations, writing, and exhibiting.


Prerequisites: No prerequisites registered for the course

Assessment: 10 % participation; 40% final assignment and 50% practical assignments

Final Exam: Assignment