Varnatímabil meistaranema hefst

Nú er aftur komið að meistaraprófsvörnum hjá nemendum Háskólaseturs Vestfjarða. Varnirnar hefjast á þriðjudaginn 3. september og munu 13 nemendur kynna og verja meistaraverkefni sín á næstu vikum. Að venju eru umfjöllunarefnin afar áhugaverð og fjölbreytt. Varnirnar eru opnar almenningi og fara fram í Háskólasetri. Einnig er hægt að fylgjast með á zoom og linkana má finna í töflunni hér að neðan.

Dags Tími Nemandi Námsleið Titil meistaraverkefnis Zoom linkur
3 sept 15:00 Emma Dexter CRD Evaluating Place Attachment, Climate Change Awareness, and Risk Assessment: A Nationwide Study of Iceland in Times of Escalating Natural Hazard Risk
4 sept 13:00 Matthew Russell CMM Evaluating and Addressing Climate Change Related Threats to Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Habitat in the East River, Pictou County, Nova Scotia
6 sept 9:00 Gaëlle Messmer CMM Going forward: A look at small Icelandic municipalities and waste management strategies
9 sept 13:00 Julius Barth CRD Energy Transition in Nova Scotia: Lessons from Danish Experiences Developing an Offshore Wind Industry
10 sept 9:30 Ricarda Neehuis CRD The Westfjords Way: Evaluating Floating Home Implementation in Ísafjörður
10 sept 13:00 Mallorie Iozzo CMM A Site Suitability Analysis for Regenerative Ocean Farming in Long Island Sound
11 sept 9:30 Louise Wittwer CRD Plastic vs. Policy: A Plastic Pollution Policy Analysis in the Arctic
11 sept 13:00 Orla Mallon CMM Exploring Benthic Biodiversity using Underwater Imagery in Melville Bay, Greenland
12 sept 9:00 Elisa Janssen CMM Patterns of co – occurrence of parasites in Eastern Baltic cod stocks within different depth strata
12 sept 14:00 Sophie Martel CMM Human-Wildlife Conflict in Iberian Waters: Orcinus orca and Vessels’ Encounters from a Socio-Ecological Systems Approach
13 sept 8:30 Ela Keegan CRD Coastal Heritage and How Resilience Can Manifest in The Face Of Change: A Case Study Using Social Arts Practices in Rakiura, Aoeatora/New Zealand.
16 sept 9:30 Rozálie Rašovská CRD Women and northern paganism: Feminine aspect and roles of women in contemporary pagan organization Ásatrú in Iceland
16 sept 13:00 Lara Kumm CMM Coastal Classification of Jones Sound in the Canadian High Arctic