Á næstunni fara fram varnir meistaranema við Háskólasetur Vestfjarða. Viðfangsefnin eru fjölbreytt og áhugaverð og eru nemendurnir frá bæði sjávarbyggðafræði og haf-og strandsvæðastjórnun. Varnirnar eru öllum aðgengilegar í gegnum hlekki sem finna má hér fyrir neðan en einnig er öllum velkomið að mæta á varnirnar sem fram fara í Háskólasetri Vestfjarða, Ísafirði.
Fimmtudagur 18. apríl kl 09:30
Nemandi: Mette Baunsø Kring
Titill ritgerðar: Presence and possible threats to Harbor porpoises in the Westfjords, Iceland
Námsleið: Haf- og strandsvæðastjórnun
Útdráttur: Harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) are protected in Iceland through international agreements such as Bern Convention and CITES. The aim of this study is to study the presence of harbor porpoises in the Westfjords in Iceland, to understand potential threats from fishing and aquaculture activities, and what possible solutions there could be for these threats. This study has been done through fieldwork and literature study. Literature study was done to determine fishing activities in The Westfjords, and management of harbor porpoises in the other Nordic countries were investigated. Fieldwork was done from start November 2021 to middle of January 2022. Five C-Pods were deployed in five different locations in the Westfjords, all in the area called Isafjordjup. However, when retrieving the C Pods, only four had collected data. In the same period and area, landbased visual surveys were also conducted, to gather supplying information on the harbor porpoises. The data collected from this was very scarce though, as not many observations of the animals were made. The data from the C-Pods were later processed through the software cpod.exe and analyzed in Microsoft Excel. Through these data, presence of harbor porpoises could be determined, together with indications of certain behavior like diurnal/nocturnal activity and feeding. Also, geographical overlaps of fishing and aquaculture activities, and presence of harbor porpoises were found.
Zoom linkur: https://eu01web.zoom.us/j/69244701237
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