Á næstunni fara fram varnir meistaranema við Háskólasetur Vestfjarða. Viðfangsefnin eru fjölbreytt og áhugaverð og eru nemendurnir frá bæði sjávarbyggðafræði og haf-og strandsvæðastjórnun. Varnirnar eru öllum aðgengilegar í gegnum hlekki sem finna má hér fyrir neðan en einnig er öllum velkomið að mæta á varnirnar sem fram fara í Háskólasetri Vestfjarða, Ísafirði.
Miðvikudagur 17. apríl kl 13:30
Nemandi: Brandon Piel
Titill ritgerðar: Eyemouth, Scotland & Alcanar, Catalunya: An Ethnographic Look at Independence Movements
and Coastal Borders
Námsleið: Sjávarbyggðafræði
Útdráttur: Democratic independence movements are a growing phenomenon in the world today, and with the potential for new countries comes the potential for new borders. Eyemouth, Scotland and Alcanar, Catalunya were selected
as the case study locations for this research due to the prominence of their respective independence movements
and their shared geopolitical circumstance as localities on the coastal border of their independence movements’ territorial claims. Coastal border communities allow the unique opportunity to consider both maritime and land border questions on a local level. Ethnographic field work, built on the principles of dirt research and landscape theory, is the selected methodology for this study, with informal conversations, landscape readings, and statements as the supporting methodological tools. The local priorities identified and discussed for Eyemouth are groceries, fishing, law enforcement, healthcare, cross- border employment, and tourism. The local priorities identified and discussed for Alcanar are shopping, services, citrus agriculture, fishing and fish restaurants, and employment. Finally, the case studies are compared and contrasted as well as considered within the contexts of the existing literature, predominate national narratives, and the European Union.
Zoom linkur: https://eu01web.zoom.us/j/68249575024
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