Meistaraprófsvörn: Evaluating Place Attachment, Climate Change Awareness, and Risk Assessment...

Á næstunni fara fram varnir meistaranema við Háskólasetur Vestfjarða. Viðfangsefnin eru fjölbreytt og áhugaverð og eru nemendurnir frá bæði sjávarbyggðarfræði og haf-og strandsvæðastjórnun. Varnirnar eru öllum aðgengilegar í gegnum hlekki sem finna má hér fyrir neðan en einnig er öllum velkomið að mæta á varnirnar sem fram fara í Háskólasetri Vestfjarða, Ísafirði.

Nemandi: Emma Dexter

Tími: Þriðjudagur 3. september kl 15:00

Titill ritgerðar: Evaluating Place Attachment, Climate Change Awareness,
and Risk Assessment: A Nationwide Study of Iceland in
Times of Escalating Natural Hazard Risk

Námsleið: Sjávarbyggðarfræði

Hlekkur á zoom:

Útdráttur: Iceland has a long history of coping with disasters, especially avalanches and
landslides. Rapid mass movements of snow/soil already pose a threat in Iceland due to its
glacier-carved topography, easily eroded bedrock, and intense freeze-thaw cycles. However,
scientists project that these events will increase in frequency and severity as a result of
climate change—exacerbating disaster-risk. These climate events not only cause immediate
physical and emotional harm, they jeopardise peoples’ livelihoods and cultural identities by
undermining the tenuous socioeconomic and ecological stability of coastal communities. In
Iceland, increased disaster frequency and severity will pose an increasing challenge to
fisheries, tourism, and energy development. Though the body of knowledge on this topic is
increasing, further investigation is needed. This study fills a gap in the academic literature
on this topic by performing a nation-wide survey to assess place attachment, climate
change awareness, and risk perception across Iceland. The goal is to evaluate to what extent
respondents demonstrate place attachment and concern about hazard risks and whether
these perceptions correspond with the actual risk level of different regions in Iceland (i.e.
Capital Region, Westfjords, etc.). The survey was also designed to reveal participants’
observations and awareness of climate change as well as their faith in organisations
involved in disaster management. In this way, this study can inform future
management/emergency preparedness plans for high-risk areas in Iceland. The results of
this study demonstrate that the majority of respondents are very attached to the place they
currently live. They also support that most participants have moderate climate change
awareness and risk assessment. Finally, these data show that respondents believe that most
natural hazards will be less dangerous in the future than they are at present.

Yfirlit yfir meistaraprófsvarnir á þessu tímabili:

Dags Tími Nemandi Námsleið Titil meistaraverkefnis Zoom linkur
3 sept 15:00 Emma Dexter CRD Evaluating Place Attachment, Climate Change Awareness, and Risk Assessment: A Nationwide Study of Iceland in Times of Escalating Natural Hazard Risk
4 sept 13:00 Matthew Russell CMM Evaluating and Addressing Climate Change Related Threats to Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Habitat in the East River, Pictou County, Nova Scotia
6 sept 9:00 Gaëlle Messmer CMM Going forward: A look at small Icelandic municipalities and waste management strategies
9 sept 13:00 Julius Barth CRD Energy Transition in Nova Scotia: Lessons from Danish Experiences Developing an Offshore Wind Industry
10 sept 9:30 Ricarda Neehuis CRD The Westfjords Way: Evaluating Floating Home Implementation in Ísafjörður
10 sept 13:00 Mallorie Iozzo CMM A Site Suitability Analysis for Regenerative Ocean Farming in Long Island Sound
11 sept 9:30 Louise Wittwer CRD Plastic vs. Policy: A Plastic Pollution Policy Analysis in the Arctic
11 sept 13:00 Orla Mallon CMM Exploring Benthic Biodiversity using Underwater Imagery in Melville Bay, Greenland
12 sept 9:00 Elisa Janssen CMM Patterns of co – occurrence of parasites in Eastern Baltic cod stocks within different depth strata
12 sept 14:00 Sophie Martell CMM Human-Wildlife Conflict in Iberian Waters: Orcinus orca and Vessels’ Encounters from a Socio-Ecological Systems Approach
13 sept 8:30 Ela Keegan CRD Coastal Heritage and How Resilience Can Manifest in The Face Of Change: A Case Study Using Social Arts Practices in Rakiura, Aoeatora/New Zealand.
16 sept 9:30 Rozalie Rasovzka CRD Women and northern paganism: Feminine aspect and roles of women in contemporary pagan organization Ásatrú in Iceland
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