Námskeiðslýsing á ensku:
This course explores the tools, methods, and frameworks used in community development. Case studies explore best practices in a range of contexts including coastal, remote, and indigenous communities. The course explores methods used in support of communities asserting self-determination and local control, such as Asset-Based Community Development, stakeholder mapping and power analysis, participatory learning and action (PLA), capabilities-based development, place making, Theory of Change and logic models. Students will practice and apply these tools in varying contexts in this course.
Frekari upplýsingar um námskeiðið má finna hér: https://www.uw.is/is/meistaranam/resources/namskeidislysingar/namskeidislysing-2024-2025/tools-for-community-development-2
Öll meistaranámskeið sem kennd eru við Háskólasetur eru opin gestanemum, skiptinemum og fólki úr atvinnulífinu og eru hluti af tveimur alþjóðlegum þverfaglegum meistaranámsleiðum, haf- og strandsvæðastjórnun, og sjávarbyggðarfræði.