Námskeiðslýsing á ensku:
Oceanic and coastal ecosystems are under increasing pressure from human activities, both on local and global scales. This course introduces concepts and methodologies of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). Students will learn how the practical tools of the assessment methods are being used and gain the ability to assess the outcomes given by these same tools. Strengths and weaknesses of the EIA and SEA procedures will be discussed.
Frekari upplýsingar um námskeiðið má finna hér: https://www.uw.is/is/meistaranam/resources/namskeidislysingar/namskeidislysing-2024-2025/environmental-impact-assessment-2
Öll meistaranámskeið sem kennd eru við Háskólasetur eru opin gestanemum, skiptinemum og fólki úr atvinnulífinu og eru hluti af tveimur alþjóðlegum þverfaglegum meistaranámsleiðum, haf- og strandsvæðastjórnun, og sjávarbyggðarfræði.