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Fisheries Management and Technology

  • Spring 2024
  • Næsta námskeið: 22. janúar - 02. febrúar 2024
  • CMM/CRD Elective Course | 4 ECTS
  • Námskeið:CMM53
  • Kennari: Dr. James Kennedy

Um námskeiðið

Fish and other marine organisms are caught for food and form an important source of protein and macronutrients for people of many countries around the world. Fisheries are also coming under greater scrutiny in regard to their environmental impacts. Given the importance of marine resources, it is essential that they are managed sustainably to prevent overexploitation and minimise the impacts on non-target species and the wider ecosystem. Effective management relies upon input from fisheries science that develop the rules and regulations on not only how much fish and other marine life can be caught, but also where, when and how they can be caught.

This course will cover many aspects of marine and fisheries science. This will include the underlying process that can affect the productivity of different marine ecosystems, benchmarks and reference points used to evaluate stock status, the types of data used in biological assessment, and the theory and practice behind the collection of those data. We will explore models for growth, mortality, and population size. We will also look at the various methods and technologies used in different fisheries, and issues surrounding selectivity bycatch and impacts on the ecosystem.


Dr. James Kennedy:

is a fisheries biologist at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI), based in Ísafjörður.


The course will cover topics associated with marine fisheries, including population assessments, fish-habitat associations, life-history, population dynamics and management, and will introduce the main principles, approaches and issues associated with fishing activities. The course will provide an understanding of the benchmarks and reference points used to evaluate stock status, the types of data used in biological assessment, and the theory and practice behind the collection of those data. Models for growth, mortality and population size will be explored and discussed, as well as concepts related to the political structures and processes behind fisheries management and governance. Finally, the course will review the present stage of technology used in the marine environment with special emphasis on the potentials, limitations, environmental impacts, and future development of fisheries technology.

On completion of the course, a student:

  • can analyse fishery data to estimate growth and mortality rates and generate population size estimates.
  • can assess habitat as it relates to managing healthy fisheries.
  • can apply knowledge of species-specific life history and behaviour to effectively manage fisheries.
  • can recognize the specific role that habitat plays in framing life history and the potential factors that affect fish habitat.
  • has an understanding of management policies and decision-making bodies around the world.
  • has an understanding of how technological advances in the fishing industry can lead to overfishing as well as other environmental impacts.
  • can collect and evaluate scientific data and articles related to fishery biology and fishing activities.