Hér má nálgast námskeiðslýsingar allra námskeiðanna sem í boði eru. Einnig má sjá skipulag námsins í sameiginlegri kennsluáætlun Sjávarbyggðafræði og Haf- og strandsvæðastjórnunar.

Námskeiðin uppfylla kröfur ýmissa stéttarfélaga um námsstyrki. Vor- og sumarannir eru tilvaldar fyrir háskólanemendur sem vilja stytta námstímann í reglubundnu námi.

Fyrirspurnir sendist á kennslustjóra Háskólaseturs.

Current Topics and Challenges in the Coastal Arctic

  • Spring 2026
  • Kennari: Anna Hixon, MRM

Um námskeiðið

Please note that this course is taught online through the semester

This course examines current challenges in the field of coastal studies and resource management in an Arctic context. The course will bring together perspectives of different international stakeholders, including those from academia and research, policy makers, practitioners, NGOs and business. Topics range from the adaptation to climate change, the implementation of SDGs, international and territorial conflicts, pollution, globalization, environmental justice, compensation and reparation, and threats to biodiversity.

Being taught as online lecture series, this course will adjust and update its content to current and evolving fields in coastal studies with a special emphasis on management implications.


Anna Hixon, MRM:

Anna Hixson (she/her) is a 2019 UW alum and is from Seattle, Washington, USA. She loves Iceland and the Westfjords–and comes back almost every year. Hornstrandir is one of her favorite places. She is a PhD Candidate at the University of Northern British Columbia researching how ecological restoration can address intersectoral challenges associated with biodiversity loss and climate change.

I have worked across sectors and fields, I am a multidisciplinary researcher particularly in ecology and health sciences. I have studied in Switzerland, Australia, the US, Iceland, and Canada. I look forward to the opportunities arising from this course for current students. Namely, connecting the current students with early career professionals in and around the Arctic and showcasing active research.


On completion of the course, a student:

  • Has knowledge of current challenges in the field of coastal studies and management
  • Can identify and discuss arguments and policies related to current issues in coastal studies and management
  • Can contribute to academic as well as practice-oriented discourses
  • Can connect and compare different stakeholder views on management related topics
  • Can structure and synthesize arguments in contemporary debates on coastal studies