SeaGirls: What the sea means to me

On Friday, May 17th, the permanent online exhibition of the SeaGirls project opens. The SeaGirls project gave girls in Iceland disposable film cameras for the summer to understand their relationships and perspectives of the ocean. This project was a collaboration between the University Centre of the Westfjords, Vestfjörður Regional Museum, Hversdagsafnið and funding was provided from Rannís Nýsköpunarsjóður and Uppbyggðingarsjóður as part of the growing international dialogue on gender and the ocean.
Gender equality in ocean industries is an important conversation to start at a young age, and many international development plans highlight the importance of youth and female involvement in ocean sustainability. SeaGirls is an ongoing project that will help in the development of future research and community activities that help promote conversations surrounding gender equality in the ocean industries. Explore the perspectives of the marine environment through the eyes of a SeaGirl.
To celebrate the opening of the exhibition, three women with connections to maritime industries will speak. Afterwards there will be light refreshments and crafts for children. The speakers are:
Inga Fanney Egilsdóttir, 1st mate
Sheng Ing Wang, pilot at Ísafjarðahöfn
Helena Haraldsdóttir, student in School of Navigation.
More information can be found in the facebook event: 

Here is a sneak peek at some of the photos that will be displayed: