The tuition fee can be paid by bank transfer or by credit card. To secure your registration, the course fee should be settled at your earliest convenience and no later than 30 days after you have received your confirmation letter.
Paying with credit card is currently unavailable due to technical difficulties.
Bank transfer
If you pay by bank transfer please be sure to add the reference number 1521 with the payment.
Account Name : Haskolasetur Vestfjarda
Account Number : 0154 26 4000
Account Address : Sudurgata 12, 400 Isafjordur, Iceland
Swift Number : NBIIISRE
IBAN Number : IS29 0154 26 004000 610705 0220
Name of Bank : NBI hf Address of Bank: Austurstæti 11, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
Please do not forget to list your name on the bank transfer, especially if you are not the holder of the account from which the payment is made. We kindly ask you to also send a confirmation via email.
Do you live and work in Iceland?
If you are a working member of a union in Iceland, you can apply to your union for funds towards courses or training. For detailed information on who is eligible for grants and for instructions on how to apply, please contact your union or visit their website. Please note that staff members of the University Centre cannot provide any information in this regard.
Our cancellation policy can be found here.