Here below you can find all master courses the University Centre offers. All courses are taught in 1-3 week modules running from August through June. See how the courses are organised in the teaching schedule for both programs. Usually 2-3 courses are taught at the same time, but students may only enroll in one course at a time.

The master courses are available to you whether you plan to pursue a degree or just take a course or courses. Please review the options for guest studies to determine how you can apply.

For further information, contact the Administrative Director of Education and Teaching.

Indigenous Voices & Community Development

  • Summer 2025

About the course

The United Nations estimates that there are over 400 million Indigenous people, with at least 5,000 distinct groups, living in over 72 countries. Indigenous peoples exhibit traditional ecological knowledge and are equipped with specific tools for community development and resource use. They are an important part of the world’s human diversity and cultural heritage. However, Indigenoues voices are often sidelined in (community) policies, regional development and resource management. In addition, their physical and cultural existence is threatened, not only due to the ongoing climate crisis.

This course is a series of weekly lectures in which researchers and practicioners from Indigenous communtiesand the field of community development present their research, current and future challenges. This course is designed to introduce students to the ideas, methods, challenges, and themes of Indigenous people in coastal communities.

The course provides an overview of Indigenous peoples’ relationships with the coast and contemporary environmental issues and their implications for Indigenous communities as well as society at large. Challenges appear among the spheres of language and culture, land rights, socioeconomics, governance, demography, education, health, social services, environment, gender, community development, repatriation of cultural property, as well as decolonization and green colonialism.

Learning outcome

On completion of the course a student:

  • can critically reflect on tensions and conflicts around contemporary global debates, including human rights, development, and climate change with a focus on Indigenous rights.
  • can explain and discuss the concepts of self-determination, group rights, land rights, environmental rights.
  • has gained insights into the history of indigenous communities and can relate them to current development issues and practices in indigenous communities.
  • has an understanding of Indigenous´ perspectives on community development and coastal studies.
  • can identify and analyze complex experiences Indigenous peoples face today from a historical and critical perspective.
  • can demonstrate an understanding of current and future threats to indigenous communities, e.g. through the climate crisis
  • can assess and evaluate policies regarding Indigenous communities.


Prerequisites: No prerequisites registered for the course

Assessment: 40% written assignments (learning journals of lectures), 30% in-class assignments (contribution to discussions on Canvas), 30% Final essay

Final Exam: Assignment