Here below you can find all master courses the University Centre offers. All courses are taught in 1-3 week modules running from August through June. See how the courses are organised in the teaching schedule for both programs. Usually 2-3 courses are taught at the same time, but students may only enroll in one course at a time.

The master courses are available to you whether you plan to pursue a degree or just take a course or courses. Please review the options for guest studies to determine how you can apply.

For further information, contact the Administrative Director of Education and Teaching.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

  • Spring 2025
  • Instructor: Dr. Jiri Panek

About the course

The course provides an introduction to the concepts, principles, approaches, and issues associated with Geographical Information Systems, including community-based mapping. No previous exposure to GIS is necessary. The course will provide the student with an understanding of the basic concepts of GIS and the role of GIS as a tool in natural resource management. It will provide students with an understanding of the techniques of GIS data and spatial analysis. The course involves lectures as well as a laboratory component with an emphasis on practical experience using open source GIS software.


Dr. Jiri Panek:

Jiri has a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Geography and GIS from the Department of Geoinformatics and PhD from the Department of Development Studies from Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic. His research focuses on GIS in development cooperation and humanitarian aid, with a main focus on Participatory GIS (PGIS/ PPGIS). He has been to Kenya and South Africa for mapmaking, studied GIS in India and is currently co-developing a participatory platform for collection perceptions about the urban environment.

Jiri Panek on ResearchGate

Learning outcome

On completion of the course a student:

  • can identify the main sources of spatially referenced data.
  • can explain GIS data, data models and spatial databases.
  • can illustrate how GIS is used in coastal studies.
  • has demonstrated skills and practical experience in handling spatially referenced data.
  • can appraise issues relating to data quality in GIS.
  • can locate and utilize existing geographic information data sets, online and elsewhere, for specific project areas.
  • can identify which mapping methods and tools are most appropriate for achieving the desired objectives in a given community and/ or situation.


Prerequisites: No prerequisites registered for the course

Final Exam: Assignment