Orientation Day 2024

Today and tomorrow are orientation days at the University Centre of the Westfjords, where master's students are being welcomed and the new academic year is beginning. The student group present today consists of UW master's students enrolled in two programs: Coastal Marine Management and Coastal Communities and Regional Development. Also present were master's students in the Climate Change and Global Sustainability master’s program at the School of International Training in Vermont, who will stay at UW for one semester.

Peter Weiss, the director of UW, welcomed the students in the morning and told them about UW’s history. Astrid Fehling, the administrative director, explained practical matters, and afterwards the students got to know each other through games led by Brack Hale, the academic director. For example, in one game, students and staff had to form a map by arranging themselves according to countries, and in another game they had to line up in order of their birthdays without speaking to each other. These games were designed to highlight the great diversity of students and teachers, which the University Centre celebrates by bringing together individuals with different backgrounds in the pursuit of knowledge.


At noon, our very own Gunna Sigga served a delicious soup for the group, and there was also salad from Peter Weiss’s garden. Students were also led around the building and introduced to the many establishments present in the building.

After lunch break, the new students received a presentation from current master's students at the University Centre, where they were provided with important information about student life in Ísafjörður. Orientation days will continue tomorrow, where students will receive further presentations about their studies from academic directors Brack and Matthias.