Give Icelandic a Chance!

The campaign Íslenskuvænt samfélag - við erum öll almannakennarar just received a grant from the Development Fund for Immigration Issues. That means that last year's successful work will continue and improve this year, with more frequent and diverse program in 2023. A new slogan has been selected now: Gefum íslensku séns! (Give Icelandic a Chance!)

According to Ólafur Guðsteinn Kristjánsson, director of Icelandic language courses at UW, the new slogan is meant to encourage people even more to use whatever kind of Icelandic that is needed at any given time. And to give learners of Icelandic their time and attention without correcting them.

"The aim is to support people in using Icelandic as often as possible and in as diverse circumstances as possible; that those who are learning the language, at whatever stage they're at, will get support and understanding from those who speak Icelandic at a more advanced level. The campaign is therefore mainly about raising awareness of how people learn a language and how we as a society can reinforce learners' progress, giving people the opportunity to use Icelandic as often as possible.

Give Icelandic a Chance! - Icelandic Friendly Community

The campaign was initiated by University Centre of the Westfjords, Education Centre of the Westfjords and Ísafjörður Town. It has already become notable nationwide for an interesting and successful approach to learning Icelandic and was awarded by the Icelandic Language Committee last fall. The campaign continues along with Icelandic courses for exchange students and others which are provided by UW.

And now, more people are needed to help with the campaign. "Around this time last year, a small group of us got together to brainstorm and organize events throughout last year. We'll do the same for this year so I hereby advertise for individuals who want to help creating the events calendar," says Ólafur.

Everybody is welcome to join the preparations. If you're interested in increasing the use of Icelandic and create an Icelandic friendly community, please come forth via email address islenska(at) This project will surely be rewarding and fun. And for further information, you can call Ólafur Guðsteinn: 892 0799