The University Centre of the Westfjords along with the Give Icelandic a chance campaign invites you for a coffee and cake to celebrate the Day of the Icelandic language on the 16th of November. The event starts at 17:30 on the second floor of the University Centre at the cafeteria. Our very own Gunna Sigga will be in charge of the cake and there will be a poetry workshop for those who are interesed. The poet Helen Cova will also read her poems and work.
The Day of the Icelandic language is the perfect time to talk about the language and a good opportunity for native speakers to think about how they can assist with language acquisition of those who are learning the language. Together, native speakers, speakers and language learners are the future of the Icelandic language who can all contribute to the cause.
Everyone is welcome to attend, please let us know in advance by sending us a line at or mark yourself as going on our facebook event so there will be enough cake for everyone.