The course aims to familiarize students with population development and the three main population processes: fertility, mortality and migration. We will focus on population developments in Iceland and Europe, with some attention to the major population trends and issues in poorer countries. The course is structured in three parts: A) Fertility and family dynamics where we focus on the links between female employment, family policies and childbearing; B) The causes and consequences for individuals and society of international and internal migration, and the determinants behind migration; C) The life table and some of the basic methods of demography, including discussion about morbidity and mortality.
More information can be found here
All master's courses taught at UW are open to guest students, exchange students, and people from the world of work. The courses are part of our two international multidisciplinary master's programs, Coastal and Marine Management and Coastal Communities and Regional Development. The courses are modular, taught in English, hands-on and many of them include field trips and company visits. Check out the UW course catalogue to find out more.