Course: Coping with Disasters

The goal of my course is pretty much out there in the title: "Coping with Disasters" will give an introduction to the basic concepts in Disaster Risk Management and look at how disasters form in the first place - and what determines resilience and coping when hardship strikes. We will be working with case studies and group works and, in addition to literature, will use a combination of mixed media, such as podcasts, documentaries and art work. There will be a disaster film club and the odd field trip!

More information can be found here

All master's courses taught at UW are open to guest students, exchange students, and people from the world of work. The courses are part of our two international multidisciplinary master's programs, Coastal and Marine Management and Coastal Communities and Regional Development. The courses are modular, taught in English, hands-on and many of them include field trips and company visits. Check out the UW course catalogue to find out more.